uYilo’s facilities are situated inside the stylish Engineering Building which is located on the Nelson Mandela University North Campus. The facilities consist of a battery testing laboratory which has the capability to test lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, a systems laboratory for component level support, and a smart grid simulator for the integration and interoperability of the ecosystem components.

The Electric Vehicle EcoSystem is diverse and makes up various industries and technologies.

Electric Vehicles – An electric vehicle is a vehicle that uses electric motors for moving. Electric vehicles cover a wide range of vehicles such as road, rail, underwater, air and space. The sky is not the limit when it comes to electric vehicle of the future.

Electric Vehicle Components – The type of battery, the type and size of the traction motor and the motor controller look very different depending on the use of the electric vehicle. Some are small for motorcycles and scooters, going up to large vehicles like trucks and residential cars.

Battery Technology – The advances in lithium-ion batteries have increased in leaps and bounds, first driven by the electronics industry, and then the need to allow vehicles to drive as far on one charge as a conventional fuel car. This has resulted in recharging times being reduced, production costs dropping and alternate technologies being developed (including solid-state batteries).

Charging Infrastructure – An electric vehicle charging infrastructure is a system of charging stations to recharge electric vehicles. Many government, car manufacturers, and charging infrastructure providers sought to create networks.

Other Areas within the Electric Vehicle EcoSystem – Electric Vehicle Standards; Smart Grids; Energy Generation; Battery Recycling; Battery Second Life; Electric Vehicle Services; Apps; Connectivity and Mobility Options.